Maker Studios Dashboard Issue

matthew vogt

Well-Known Member
On the date which I posted this January 26th, 2013 I got access to the maker studios dashboard. I cannot see my data on it its all blank so I was wondering how long is it going to take to see my data.
so I have another question I joined the rpm network in early january and I have access to the dashboard as of the 26th would they count the stats from then to march 1st for my first pay cause I have gotten around 60 thousand views on my channel since I accpeted the email to join the network and I think that pans out to 300 dollars with the split and would those stats be available when I can see the data on my dashboard. Or would I get paid for the stats when I had access to the dashboard. I also don't think that the stats on youtube estimated earnings is right because of missing data and other blah....