Looking to get Partnered!


Active Member
Im hoping to get partnered soon. I make very good videos but they dont get noticed very often because im new to this YouTube world. So if anyone can give advise or is looking to Partner me get a hold of me on one of the following links below
Thanks! CoDxGoD aka Jake
I don't believe you can get partnered yet. Keep doing your thing, then I'm sure you'll get partnered one day. :)
i submited rpm now, already submited to fullscreen twice and they never told me nothing, so i am still waithing.
best luck men!!!
The fact that you`re looking for partnership atm , shows that you`re only doing YouTube for the money so I`d advise you to stop as you`re not going to get anywhere!

Plus your content isn`t great, its all jumbled up, different series instead of sticking with 1-3 ....