Other Looking for Youtubers (of any genre) to join my youtube channel


New Member
Hey guys, Basically I'm launching a YouTube channel soon consisting of different youtubers from different genres. I think this could be a huge success and am confident that it could be a big hit (it could give your videos a HUGE view boost)I'm looking for any youtubers from any genre. Cheers!
Sounds interesting just had a few questions
What't the whole idea behind your new group channel?
whats are you looking to accomplish?
It does sound interesting, but I was wondering the same thing as the post above, whats the concept? Is it just a channel to repost videos?
Do we have to be in the same country as you are? Cos Ive seen some Youtubers just use the same channels and post their individual videos. That's considered as a collab, I think xD