Vlog looking for someone to do a switch video collab? beauty or q&a

hey so I have a channel where I am doing a get to know me series atm. I was wondering if someone who had a slightly bigger channel would do a switch video q&a with me where you ask some of your viewers (because I don't have many at the moment) what they would like to ask us then we chose 10 question that we answer and video individually then you can send me or I can send you depending on whos software is better and we can edit the video so it shows your answer to the question and then mine throughout the video and we can post the video on both of our channels I'd love to include it in my get to know me series! please

another collab idea I had was with another beauty guru as my channel is mainly focused on beauty. we could both my a product try it out and review it send each other the video, edit and combine the videos and voila! upload onto our channels.

if you are interested in either of these collabs please let me know!