I've Got It
Hey there guys it's Salis
I run a gaming channel in the great youtubiverse and also host my infrequent comedy Q&A show called Ask An Idiot where I attempt to answer absolutely any question sent in to me.
I am looking for a little feedback from fellow travellers of this great place i have asked for feedback in the gaming specific section however it has now dried up so I thought I would get a feel from the general population.
If you have any ideas or opinions please let me know either on here or on the channel/videos
I look forward to hearing from all of you fine people and I will try to take as much feedback on-board as I can
I've been Salis
And I'll see you... Next time
I run a gaming channel in the great youtubiverse and also host my infrequent comedy Q&A show called Ask An Idiot where I attempt to answer absolutely any question sent in to me.
I am looking for a little feedback from fellow travellers of this great place i have asked for feedback in the gaming specific section however it has now dried up so I thought I would get a feel from the general population.
If you have any ideas or opinions please let me know either on here or on the channel/videos
I look forward to hearing from all of you fine people and I will try to take as much feedback on-board as I can
I've been Salis
And I'll see you... Next time