Vlog Looking for NEW YouTubers!


Swiggity Swooty Comin' For The Booty!
Hello everyone PewPaPew here and I'm looking for some new youtubers who would be willing to collaborate with me, trade ideas and basically just promote each other. It would be amazing if you lived on the East Coast or really close to Florida. If you want to talk just ask below within the thread!
Hey, hello. My channel is new...like BRAND NEW. I get my green screen tomorrow and film my first video on Tuesday, that said, I'm already looking for people to collab with because it's such a great way to get out there! I live in Miami, FL so if you want to talk about making a video together, I'll be SUPER up to it! :D

Also, nice to meet you, I'm Carla, and I'm obviously too excited to be polite xP