Other Looking for members for a colab channel

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Whoop Whoop
So this colab channel will need to have 5 member, one for each day of the week, not including weekends. everyone gets one day and we all have specific topics we would talk about
i.e. on a monday the monday person would talk about whats new in the gaming world, on tuesdays the tuesday person would talk about whats new in the compututing world, so on.

If you want to be a part of this comment on this thread saying what topic you want and what day you want to upload on. I'm already doing computing but I can do it anyday so ill let the other 4 members pic their days first.
If you need anymore info just ask.
Possibly, depends on how you set it up. Plus I probably wouldn't do "computing" cause not enough stuff happens in that world every week haha. Message me on YouTube or here and I'll get back to you later, I'm going to bed haha
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