Other Looking For Editors For A 1.6k Team


New Member
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you guys were good editors? I am the leader of ArmsAtHandGaming which is a Pro Gaming Team who plays competitive as well as has a quickscoping side. As of March we have been together 1 year so we were thinking of putting up a 1 year montage, we have the clips just no one to edit. If you are interested in joining the Team for Editing, leave a reply, PM me, or E-mail me AAH_Gaming@yahoo.com
do you need a real somebody to edit it all? isnt it just a relatively simple montage?
also sounds very cool, wish i could do it but i sadly dont have the time :(
wow nice yesterday you got more subscribers then views and today you lost over 127 subs :/ what did you do wrong?
wow nice yesterday you got more subscribers then views and today you lost over 127 subs :/ what did you do wrong?
YouTube screwed me over. On Saturday we had a lot more than 6 views and 12 subs, because I uploaded on Saturday and before I went to bed it said 92 views and 37 likes then I wake up and see they added all Saturday's stats to Sunday.
YouTube screwed me over. On Saturday we had a lot more than 6 views and 12 subs, because I uploaded on Saturday and before I went to bed it said 92 views and 37 likes then I wake up and see they added all Saturday's stats to Sunday.
Join the club :(