hello dere children of the corn im looking for 1 or more ppl to play minecraft with or star wars galaxies emulator and perhaps record a video 

yeah he's just a child, no love of corn though.I don't like corn.
Ok... are YOU funny as well? Can you hang with ridiculousness? Are you random? And is there a way to play mine craft on a mac? I MIGHT be interested in this if everything is in order and we can be as silly as we want. But I warn you, I will suck at the game, and will not try to get better, I will simply try to be stupid and hilarious.
Advice taken with grain of saltDon't do it. From what I've heard, it will drain all of your time away! My younger brother is pretty much always playing it. It's one of those games without a goal or ending, you just play non-stop. I also think it's one of those games where you have to pay monthly to use it. Not sure, but I think it is. Do what you want, but you may not be happy with the end result of never being productive again.![]()
hahahahaha this would make me laugh while I was watching, but I probably wouldn't want to be IN the video. My channel stays pretty squeaky clean, I let the word s**t out accidentally in one video and felt very unsure about leaving the video public for a few days lol, so I mean... probably best to find someone more comfortable with that kinda thing. I'm sure you willAnd my humor is very sexual if your down with that an example would be generally on cod if someone says your gay to me i usually respond yeah who doesnt like getting rammed in the a** by a big black guy