Other Looking for collaboration on Xbox (3 participants wanted)


Looking for a few people that want to be part of a collaboration series about Xbox Arcade games. I think 3-4 people will be a good size for the series.

I won't (can't) say too much about the specifics of the idea now, but I think that the series will provide enough content for all participating channels and that it will enable cross promoting. If it works out like I hope, I think it will also provide a series where viewers will be returning.

Hit me up here or on YouTube and we will flesh out the idea.
OK, nobody bit, so I will bump, flesh this out a little more and see if I can get any takers.
  • I need 3 people to participate with me, 4 total.
  • The series will be divided up into 4 week segments.
    • Week 1.1: Everybody talks about what to do for next month.
      Everyone get's to make own edit and upload to their channel, or live stream all of it on Google+ hangout or whatever he/she fancies.
    • Week 1.2-1.4: Dual coms with 2 and 2. During these 3 weeks, everybody would have done a dual comm with all the others.
      Everybody get to upload their own version. All videos should have links to and comments about the other three peoples videos.
    • Week 2.1: Everybody get together again, (trash)talk about previous months events and discuss about where to go next month.
    • Etc...
As you can see, all participants will be features on the other participants channels. So say we have 100 different subs each, in one month we will all be potentially seen by 400 subs. Hopefully this will get people to sub and watch the other participants, since not all content will be shown on one channel. And hopefully, more subs -> more views -> more likes -> even more subs :unsure2:.
  • Xbox 360
  • Like to play games
  • Skype for chat (I think that will be the easiest)
  • Be able to attend one session pr. week
Hit me up here, on YT, on Xbox or Skype if you would like to be a part of this epic journey through the wonderful landscape of YouTube collaboration. :biggrin: