Gaming Looking for Collab Group (Funny Moments)


Hey, I'm looking for a group where we can all collab and make Funtages and have fun.

IDGAF about sub count. If I see your content is great, I would not mind joining as I have seen people with 20 subs making videos which are of dank qualities.

Games we'll be playing:

CS:GO (Mainly)
GMOD (Mainly)
Rocket League
Gang Beasts
Many more!

Please AT LEAST:

Have 720p videos
Have a decent and audible microphone
Age 14+ (may reconsider)
videos do not look like a powerpoint slide show (30 fps videos and above)
be mature
Have at least a banner and profile pic
Have at least 5 videos on your channel.

That's it! Feel free to comment and don't be shy, I'm a nice guy :)