Other Looking for a Youtube Gaming Commentator

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Well, considering I have a 5k sub following already, it will not take years and years to hit successful. On a side note, I was not being literal with the time frame. I was giving a general idea.
I am starting a youtube channel and looking for people to join and become a partner on my channel. I want to eventually be a successful youtube channel so i am willing to do this professionally and do this for months and months until we finally reach our goal.

The channel is a gameplay commentary channel, we do all games both on Xbox 360 and PS3. If you are interested in working on a youtube channel and are willing to do this for months, then check out these requirements. You do not need all of them but you should have most.

Requirements: ( * : means important)
- Must have a microphone. *
- Must have Skype. *
- Must be between the ages of 15-20 (I'm 17) *
- Must be funny (people like funny) *
- Must have either a Xbox 360 Gold Membership or a PSN (I have a Xbox and PS3).
- Must have an HDPVR,
- You must have fun. (A youtube channel cannot succeed if the uploaders dont enjoy making videos, dont respond to this if making videos will end up being a chore). *

Remember you do not need all of these but should have most, the ones with * are important and are essential to being on the channel. I am looking for someone nice, likable, funny, and that is easy to get along with. If you are seriously interested in starting a channel with me then you can add me on skype at josh.kurt. Please do not respond to this if you know you wont be able to stay committed or wont have fun doing it.

Hey dude. I would like to work togehter on YouTube? I have a Roxio HD PRO, and all the other requirements. I am very active on my channel.[DOUBLEPOST=1356109269,1356109226][/DOUBLEPOST]I have only PSN
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