Other Looking For a Male Singer for My Song Parody


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I'm looking for a male singer to sing my Black Ops 2 parody to Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars. I will give you credit for singing, link your channel in the description, etc.
  • Have a decent voice. You don't have to be anything amazing. Just a good voice will do. If you happen to be amazing, that's fine as well.
  • Have a good mic. No one wants to hear static/feedback in a YouTube video. Have a good mic that sounds good for the listener.
  • Be ready to sing!
If you are interested in singing for my parody, reply here and I'll give you details on what is needed for you to be accepted as the singer. It may require a short clip of you singing a song of your choice.


Well, I can't sing, but I can play the piano..
I could learn it in a couple days.
don't know if you can handle that?
sorry if I'm really off-topic!
Well, I can't sing, but I can play the piano..
I could learn it in a couple days.
don't know if you can handle that?
sorry if I'm really off-topic!
I'm not sure if I can use a piano player now, but thanks for the interest. I will contact you if I do end up needing your help. Thanks!