Other Looking 1-2 other people interested in reviewing video games, anime, and perhaps movies

I myself am male 20 and live in illinois

Ive been intrigued by starting a youtube channel since the site first came out, however ive never had the resources or time.

As of now i dont have the best equipment (crappy headset, crappy phone camera) but if I stick to it ill end up getting higher quality devices.

Id prefer for you to be 18+
Its been awhile since ive checked this post sorry, so who is all interested, and does anyone have any skill in organizing stuff like this?
I could take a crack at it. Almost 18, too. But what do you mean by organizing? Setting up the event?
How about you drop a few names? Like say for example... 'I want to review 'so and so' this weekend, who's seen it and wants to review it with me? That ways we can all gather and see who wants in and such. And it would be cool cause it would be different reviewers per episode. I like this idea, let's get it done.