Other Lookin For Someone Who Can Rap. o.o


I've Got It
I've always been a huge fan of certain kinds of rap, a key example being a lot of Dan Bull's work; I've started to even try my hand at writing it out, finding the writing challenge incredible. I even think that what I've managed to put to paper isn't half bad either, if a little rough.

I've come across a little snag, though. Namely, I can't rap. At all. No matter how hard I try, my tongue twists, the words stammer, and I can't quite reach that crisp, clear pronunciation that somehow lets you understand a fast, steady stream of sounds. One of my friends solemnly informed me that I rap like a third-grade geography teacher, and he's probably right.

My point is, I'm looking for someone with time, a microphone, and an interest in forming a partnership, be it short- or long-term. Creative input is certainly welcome as well, helping write out what's to be said, but the most important aspect if the person in question needs to be able to say it, not spray it. Thinking we'd form a new channel, linked to our individual channels; if lightning stuck and any revenue ever came out of it, we could go for an even split.

Responding to this, for the record, won't be an iron clad agreement; if you read what I come up with and decide that, no, I can't WRITE rap either, then you can leave the partnership without getting letterbombed. xD I won't even be mad, honest.
I have a rapping voice, however, I could never be a rapper due to my unconquerable brain and it's inability to purposely mispronounce or stress a word.
xD Oh yes, the difficulty adding any, um, twang to my voice is half of what's pretty much shot out my kneecaps.
Lol, the way you describe your rapping skills... I have this urge to want to hear it anyway! xD!
So! IT'S DONE. x.x If any of you want to watch a slow-motion verbal train wreck, the thread's in the promotions and advertising board. My Drive-Thru Rant Rap. xD Inspired by my non-rythmic Drive Thru Rant! Be strong.