Other (LONDON) (MAY) Looking for location and actors !


Loving YTtalk
Hey YTTalk
I'm going back to you for a quick announcement, I will be in London from May 8 to May 11 and I want to shoot a video with locals.

I would have loved to link to my channel so you can check my stuff out but I'm not allowed to do it on this forum . I run a Visual Effects / Action film channel that is based in the world of Gaming (Big YouTubers in this style are people like Freddie Wong and Corridor Digital)

I have almost 2.000 subs and my videos get about 3.000 - 15.000 views in general.

I'm looking for an "office space" looking location and 3-4 people to help me shoot it, it's a fun idea and i'll link to everybody's channels at the end of the video (and give a shout out to the location if it's a company letting me shoot in their place).

So if anybody knows somebody who knows somebody that's your moment to shine :D

Thanks !
Usually all the projects I do are on short notice, and on that specific case I learned I was able to go to London literally days ago, I just finished writing my idea and off am I scouting !
I can help with the shooting but I don't have an office location for you unfortunately.
Sounds pretty interesting, if i'm around i'd most probably hope :)
As for location, I know a few people who have offices but shooting there might not be possible..