Adrian Marioghae

YTtalk Mad
If you live in or around London/the Hertfordshire county, I wanna have a meetup. I know next to NO YouTubers in real life so I reckon it'd be pretty cool to meet some up for real. Obviously it would be shady meeting a bunch of strangers without getting to know each other so I propose that we all chat to each other on Skype first, and then from there we can proceed to set up a day out (like all have a YouTubers dinner in Chinatown, which would be great for promoting each other as well as putting in personal vlogs that some of you might have). In any case, I just wanna make friends XD To aid the flow of things, this is the information you can give about yourself so we're not all asking those boring introductory questions when we talk on Skype and instead we're getting details:

Living in:
What you do on your YouTube channel:
Hobbies (min. two, max. five):
Talents (MUST have a talent):
Interests (min. two):
Dislikes (max. three):
Dream job/Life goal:

Here's one done about me:

Name: Adrian
Race: British (Nigerian descent)
Age: 20
Living in: London (but also living in Hemel Hempstead outside of university)
Skype: DJADv1
What you do on your YouTube channel: Comedy, rapping, dancing, starting to do poetry and occasionally doing relationship advice videos
Hobbies (min. two, max. five): Rapping, dancing, basketball, reading manga/watching anime, gaming
Talents (MUST have a talent): Rapping, writing lyrics/poetry/stories, dancing, motivational speaking
Interests (min. two): Japanese culture/language, technology, latest gaming stuff, exercise/healthy living
Dislikes (max. three): Politics, teen pop music (such as Taylor Swift and Katy Perry)/most chart music related to pop and dance, people with terrible personalities
Dream job/Life goal: To be a rapper good enough to live off of my music as well as influence people worldwide with my music

So yeah...if you're in the London or Hertfordshire areas and wanna get to meet more YouTubers then let's DO THIS THING! Also, be kind to each other and check out each other's channels, just so you can give them that extra view/subscriber as well as get a better feel for their personality. NOW LET'S CHAT!
Yea i made a video at one of them, and i dont really watch vloggers so i didnt really know who they where, i recognised a few of them though. The one thing i would say is its mainly youngers there