Likely to be dropped by Machinima today, Do you think your Network gives you alot of exposure?


New Member
My contract says I'm not allowed to mention all sorts of details of course so I'll skip around those types of things.

I was asked to sign a new contract before my old one was set to expire so I did what I think most people would do In that situation and say I'll sign a new contract before my old one is over if it says somewhere in it that I'll be making more money otherwise why would I want to do that? Obviously I said that in the nicest possible way. so the spam emails to sign the new contract stopped that month while I was put through to someone else and this was in October.

Now today I'll be talking to that someone (time skip? :p ) and with everything I read being about people dropping from Machinima like flies I suppose I'll be next as this meeting was called a "channel review" and that sounds pretty ominous. I'm assuming they'll offer me something that 'sounds' like more money as I'm on a very clear payment plan at the moment, or just be dropped. If they did offer me something on the same type of payment plan but it was a greater number that would be a pleasant surprise.

Lets say I need to find a new network though just for example, what I'm really looking for is a network that will actually give me some extra exposure, when I was first considering being on the Machinima contract just over a year ago I went ahead and did some research and what I mostly saw was people saying about how much unbelievable extra traffic they had sent their way literally just because they were a Machinima Partner and that if you made Director it was even better than that. In the end I think the stuff I was reading was really out of date. probably stuff from 2004.

But yeah, I made what I think to be good content for the audience I'm aiming for, I have no problems with outputting a lot of videos because I'm agoraphobic (I do not leave the house under any circumstances) Sure my channel may not be perfect and I'm always improving but generally if people really don't like what I provide my channel probably isn't for them and there is plenty of other people out there making things they would like so I don't feel too bad about it.

The major problem I always have is just reaching my audience, there's a lot of content providers out there and my attempts to get on the Director program just got ignored completely (no return email with criticisms) So I'd really like to know who feels that their Partner Program and Director Program really helps send traffic their way?

PS: Took me so long to write this post that I actually had the Channel Review. It was quite uneventful, I was told they could offer me a ??% / ??% split ratio style payment, but the reading that I had done on this forum looked like it wasn't in my interest to agree to those numbers. And they apologized for not responding to my director email and I was told to email any really good work I did directly to Him/Her. I have no idea if that was just said to placate me though, the truth will be known when I try I guess.

I'd still like people opinions on weather their network effectively tries to send them traffic or just leaves you to it. And weather you are on their Directors List or just a Partner
Fullscreen is a cool story, they promote random youtubers videos to the entire network. So that's a plus
Networks generally do not promote you widely (unless you agreed upon something with the Network), don't think you're missing out on too much. Networks just do simple things sometimes like share your video on Twitter (retweet) if you ask them or facebook. Otherwise it's up to you to promote your channel. Good luck though.
Networks generally do not promote you widely (unless you agreed upon something with the Network), don't think you're missing out on too much. Networks just do simple things sometimes like share your video on Twitter (retweet) if you ask them or facebook. Otherwise it's up to you to promote your channel. Good luck though.

Fullscreen does it quite frequently.
Send me a PM on here or add shane.vultra on Skype :)
We can offer you a good rate.

Sent you a quick message on Skype as it looks like you need 25 posts to send a private message on the boards

Networks generally do not promote you widely (unless you agreed upon something with the Network), don't think you're missing out on too much. Networks just do simple things sometimes like share your video on Twitter (retweet) if you ask them or facebook. Otherwise it's up to you to promote your channel. Good luck though.

I was afraid of this, seems like a lot of what I was reading was back when networks had just started and it was in their interest to send as many people towards their few partners as possible. Even things such as being (re)Tweeted would have helped me greatly though. It happened to me the first time the other day after having been going for a year and I was so pleased. :p.

I've been trying my best to manually promote my channel through things such as reddit (voted down quickly each time, so I stopped) Official Forums for the things i've been covering (either the forum is too active and no one spots the thread in the sea of threads or the forum is dead and no one sees it anyway defying the point) And just by generally being really active, I wish there was a Youtube Comment Post Count, i'm sure it would be impressive :p

Fullscreen does it quite frequently.

Thats good to hear, I forgot to ask do you need to be on their Director program or is it everyone has a chance? :eek:

I left Machinima and joined Fullscreen, they are amazing :3

Can I ask what things you like more, you seem to be just the right person to ask!

Off topic, since you dont leave your house, how do you make money besides youtube?
Just curious :p

I actually don't make any other money, I give all the money I do earn to the people I'm living with, The Citizens Advice Bureau have told me that I could claim some money, but the people I'm living with told me not to bother doing it, for reasons I'll never understand. Ideally I'll just keep doing better and better on YouTube so I can pass two milestones:
1. Paying those people what they deserve. 2. Having a little extra after doing that so maybe I can get something nice. ;)

I live very cheaply, No brand name food, No caffeine drinks, No Chocolate, No adding Sugar to anything, No Alcohol, No Cigarettes or Cigars, No Drugs, No Car (of course), No expensive outings (of course), No Takeaway or Fast food, No Expensive Girlfriend, No real extended family for Christmas / Birthday Gifts. No Gambling, No Heating on in Winter (wear more Clothes) No Fan or Air conditioning in summer (Open a window/Wear less clothes). Oh and the only pet I have is a Venus Fly Trap (that is doing very well!) that only needs sunlight on my window sill and completely untreated rainwater (stuff from the tap will kill it :p)

Its surprising how cheap you can live if you take all the fun out of everything.
If you're in the "Director's Program" with Machinima you can submit your videos to Machinima's main channel. That's how you can gain lots of subscribers to your channel but what others don't do is advertise their channel's url at the end of the video which everyone should do when they send their videos to Machinima. Yes, you can put it on the description but who reads those?