Let's review each other channels!


High quality gaming guides!
Write a short review of the person above you! This way everybody can get some tips for their channel! You can start with mine. I'll return the favor and review one too!
channel ollie: First impressions

The background of the channel was not a giant eye sore (somthing super bright and sort of eye gouging) and looked pretty good. The custom widgets at the top is a very nice touch.

The video it showed me of finding an easter egg, was very short and informative and didn't drag on. You were not annoying, talked smooth and didn't ramble on about nothing during the tutorial. Which was a very nice touch.

The only thing I can think of as for a need for improvement. Is maybe get some good highlights of funny or awesome parts and make that a series. So that is more of a suggestion for games, then anything ha ha>

overall great channel: Needs more humor but that is an opinion, seeing as I am all about humor and have less subs then you ha ha.

Rating: 8/10 (don't get sad about the 8, that is pretty damn high seing as the only thing stopping you from being 9 or 10 is the less then 500k subs kind of deal ha ha. But looks like you will be reaching that eventually :D)

edit: I was first, but my review was longer lol So here is another review of the actual channel above me.


The first impression was an awesome background. Love the color mesh and stuff like that.

The video content isn't bad, but it is not great as in making me go "wow" or laughing and the such.

My advice is to try and get the viewers attention in the first 30 seconds, then start the normal routine of playing. Maybe a quick highlight of the match of you doing an insane knife or tamahok deal. which keeps the viewer interested. The videos just seem generic to me.

But what do I know, I have 25 subs so you are obviously doing something better then me ha ha.
I think mcfluffersbro's game plays are awesome but i think when you put "left for fun" i think you should make it like "left for dead" as you'll get more views because it will pop up in the search engine more as people seem to type "left for dead" allot more.

Secondly i think you should interact with the audience moreas i got bored slightly but that's just my opinion.
I like how you picked games that i've never heard of. I can't remember the games name but will have a look at the video again as it caught my attention.

The nerd video to pewdiepie annoyed me a bit and i just wanted to skip a little bit.
You should try fade in and fade out or make sure it's not blank by a couple of seconds i have made that mistake many times so i check more that i haven't left a gap in between my edits / cuts.

I hope this helped and i hope i didn't seem too negative etc. As i actually do like you're channel :)
if i have made mistakes in any of my comments let me know qnd i think you would be good at commentary.