Let us know what you think! :)

Video Muncher

Some Gamer
I want an all round look at my channel and tell me what you think, what you like? Don't like? And any changes/improvements you recommend ?

Main things to look at:
Amount of uploads
Layout :).. I'm am grateful for your time if you do so.
A personal thing that I have found ** Your stuff is great **
Is the fact that all gamers have a similar styled BG, and fonts.

People should mix it up, so it's not all the same.
Take for example the Yogscast. They have some amazing backgrounds.
I know what you mean! I am not very good at designing backgrounds though :( So when i find a designer i shall take your advice + anything you liked or dislike ?? :)
Look around the forums here for some potential designs that you like..
Then sit down and think of some things that you like.

You got to practise as much as possible with photoshop. As the more you do something the better you become
mhmm, if i fail ill just grab a template and work from there or find someone else to do it hah :) + only just saw your banner on here.... amazing ;)