Leaving Awesomeness TV



My friend recently partnerd with awesomenesstv. He wanted to do this for a short period of time because he wanted to be able to livestream. He said he would apply some where else when he had the requirements for that.

My question is; Is it hard to leave AwesomenessTV and is this a smart choice?

Since he signed a contract they need to sign a release contract. If they don't want to give him such a contract he can apply to as many networks he want. But he wont be able to join until his contract with Awsomeness ends.
I went through the same exact thing you're going through with ATV :( I filled out the partnership termination form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDhLTERPOXhRaktFcmVqektBQ1NoSlE6MQ & in a few weeks they sent my termination contract papers & then i was unpartnered with them !:) Now i'm with fullscreen :) Just fill this form out: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDhLTERPOXhRaktFcmVqektBQ1NoSlE6MQ & you should get your termination papers in a few weeks :D[DOUBLEPOST=1370122114,1370121576][/DOUBLEPOST]you've also realized that half (maybe all) of yttalk will be on this thread? Right? There may be like 10k pages in this thread lol :)
Thanks guys, But is it a smart choice? Or should i just wait untill i can partner at a network i DO like?