Leaving A network?

Bozhidar Kabzamalov

Well-Known Member
I apologize in advance for the long text and excuse my English :D.

Hello,My name is Bojidar and I have a small youtube channel.About a month and a half ago I had like 100 subscribers and 80 000 views and since my channel wasn't big I contented with what they had and decided to join a network called Viso which is BroadbandTv subnetwork.In the past month I accumulated nearly 1 million views and 5000 subscribers.I also found out about this website and made a reserch about that network and people said that it was kinda crappy.Few days ago I received my first report for June which said I had earned 72$ with 160 00 views from which 80 000 are monitized.Some people said that's really low and since I think im able to leave the network with a 30 day notice so Im thinking about leaving but i have some questions.

1.For example if I leave now will I still receive my earning for July.Because the system works like this: The report for July is sent on 1 September and payed out on 15 September If I leave in August will july be payed out?

2.If I want to leave who should I contact?Should I contact the support and send them a formal message that I want to leave or should I just ask them who should I speak to in order to leave?
wooooah how did you get so many subs :O

I can't answer the first question but I believe you have to contact support :)
Most of this i think is up to your network , if you have signed a contract , you are bound by it unless your network is kind and lets you leave early!
I'm not sure about this certain network but most likely you can't just terminate your contract until it's over. However it should be stated in your contract wether you can leave the network or not so be sure to look it up. :)
Well honestly I just made 2 league of legends videos about interesting easter eggs,hidden passives and cool facts :D .[DOUBLEPOST=1375652156,1375637794][/DOUBLEPOST]So in the end is 0.9$ per 1000 monitized(2000 video views) low or not?
Can i leave a network after signing a contract?
No. Remember, YOU signed the contract so you must've known what you where getting into. Once you sign that contract, it's a done deal. So if you're stuck for 2 years in a network, you stay with that network for 2 years wether you like it or not.
Well honestly I just made 2 league of legends videos about interesting easter eggs,hidden passives and cool facts :D .[DOUBLEPOST=1375652156,1375637794][/DOUBLEPOST]So in the end is 0.9$ per 1000 monitized(2000 video views) low or not?

That is low as hell, even Machinima pays more than that! I'd recommend with going to a whole network altogether (don't go with any companies under BBTV)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can leave the Viso network, if they are anything like TGN they have no lock-in
Well honestly I just made 2 league of legends videos about interesting easter eggs,hidden passives and cool facts :D .[DOUBLEPOST=1375652156,1375637794][/DOUBLEPOST]So in the end is 0.9$ per 1000 monitized(2000 video views) low or not?

It is impossible to say whether or not the CPM is bad without knowing some more information, for example are you aware what % of your viewers are English speaking in comparison to other countries? Channels with a large English speaking audience are far more likely to have a higher CPM in comparison to channels that have a low % of English speaking viewers.