Other League of Legends Players?


A Wild Keebzy Appears!
hey guys,

So i recorded my first live LoL commentary last night and i was thinking these videos would be a lot more interesting if i was talking to my teammates over skype or something and so i had an idea that maybe some of you guys would be up for doing some commentaries with me :D the best thing is as well, if you want, you can record it as well and upload to your channel too, i'm not fussed how many of use there are really, somewhere between 2 and 5 people in total :p could be fun hope you guys are interested, let me know :D


P.S I play North America Server.
aha i'm not exactly a pro yet either :p add me on skype: thekeebzyshow and LoL: Keebzy and we can probs get a coupla practice games while we see if any more people are interested in this :D