• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

Just hit 300!


I've Got It
Since coming back to YouTube on the 1st Jan after a long hiatus I've managed (somehow) to jump from 170-ish to just breaking the 300 sub barrier! 200 came and went so fast that I didn't really even have time to make a milestone post here!

So just wanted to say, I'm so unbelievably ecstatic! I never thought I'd break 100, let alone get to 300! Here's to the 500 mark!

Thanks guys, this forum has been so great and useful, even for just reading and seeing other people's great content and ideas!
You can cross any barrier provided that you are doing very well with your channel. Congratulations for 300 subs count, hopefully you will hit 500 subs soon.