I've Got It
Waum Bredrins, Broskis & Siskis
Last night While I was in the Dark Zone, my group ran into this other group which constantly went rogue on us. So it turned into a basic all out war between us.
One of the players on the other team was just an extremely angry person.I'm not going to name drop the kid and do get him in trouble like that, but I do have the footage for future reference if need be.
Basically the point of this video is to just share how I feel about using "The N Word". I don't think you should just go around saying it.
Yes I use the word myself, yes that makes me a hypocrite, yes I'm aware it sounds stupid. However you can always tell when someone doesn't use the word in their everyday language or if they are using it in a racist/offensive manner. This is the problem for me. Don't start to get angry and use words you don't understand or use words that may have an effect on someone.
There's no place out there for racism and I will try to make it a point to avoid using the word myself from now. A stand has to be taken somewhere and I think that it has to start with us as individuals and I'll lead the way.
Any help/ideas/constructive criticism you guys have to offer on how I could make my vlog style videos better is greatly appreciated. I'm going to be doing more of them in the coming weeks.
The video link is below:
Last night While I was in the Dark Zone, my group ran into this other group which constantly went rogue on us. So it turned into a basic all out war between us.
One of the players on the other team was just an extremely angry person.I'm not going to name drop the kid and do get him in trouble like that, but I do have the footage for future reference if need be.
Basically the point of this video is to just share how I feel about using "The N Word". I don't think you should just go around saying it.
Yes I use the word myself, yes that makes me a hypocrite, yes I'm aware it sounds stupid. However you can always tell when someone doesn't use the word in their everyday language or if they are using it in a racist/offensive manner. This is the problem for me. Don't start to get angry and use words you don't understand or use words that may have an effect on someone.
There's no place out there for racism and I will try to make it a point to avoid using the word myself from now. A stand has to be taken somewhere and I think that it has to start with us as individuals and I'll lead the way.
Any help/ideas/constructive criticism you guys have to offer on how I could make my vlog style videos better is greatly appreciated. I'm going to be doing more of them in the coming weeks.
The video link is below: