Is Youtube Credible?

Davis Fang

Loving YTtalk
Hey guys, as some of you know, I am a filmmaker who had recently begun making vlogs to be able to better connect with the audince and for fun really. But, one of my favourite youtubers recently did something that has made me think and reconsider a bit about the choice I had made. Like him, eventually I wish to be a credible film director. But unlike him, he began making vlogs, and now has turned to making films, the opposite to my story. However, he has now unofficially retired from youtube, and is now exclusively releasing short films on youtube and vimeo, but with the focus on Vimeo because youtube is apparently seen as less credible in the professional world as he claims that when particular employers think of youtube, they immediately think of 'cats and the cinnamon challenge', and not a serious film maker.
Having been one of the people who inspired me to make vlogs, this decision has effected me somewhat as not only does it make me want to speed up production of my next short film, but also to perhaps focus more on Vimeo as I had once dabbled with it with mixed results. So my question to you guys is, do you think that by creating youtube vlogs, does it effect my filmmaking in a positive or negative light? While it does increase my audience, is it sapping my films of all their credibility?
Thanks for reading this far as well :p
Hey guys, as some of you know, I am a filmmaker who had recently begun making vlogs to be able to better connect with the audince and for fun really. But, one of my favourite youtubers recently did something that has made me think and reconsider a bit about the choice I had made. Like him, eventually I wish to be a credible film director. But unlike him, he began making vlogs, and now has turned to making films, the opposite to my story. However, he has now unofficially retired from youtube, and is now exclusively releasing short films on youtube and vimeo, but with the focus on Vimeo because youtube is apparently seen as less credible in the professional world as he claims that when particular employers think of youtube, they immediately think of 'cats and the cinnamon challenge', and not a serious film maker.
Having been one of the people who inspired me to make vlogs, this decision has effected me somewhat as not only does it make me want to speed up production of my next short film, but also to perhaps focus more on Vimeo as I had once dabbled with it with mixed results. So my question to you guys is, do you think that by creating youtube vlogs, does it effect my filmmaking in a positive or negative light? While it does increase my audience, is it sapping my films of all their credibility?
Thanks for reading this far as well :p
who's the youtuber? Don't worry about what others think, go with what you think is true. I make vlogs but I don't connect them at all to my short film channel.
So my question to you guys is, do you think that by creating youtube vlogs, does it effect my filmmaking in a positive or negative light? While it does increase my audience, is it sapping my films of all their credibility?

Your question kind of reminds me of writers who are afraid to self-publish because they think it might hurt their chances of getting a traditional publisher. Frankly, your biggest worry should be about how well you can make your films the best they can possibly be. The rest is completely secondary.

You won't find a single movie producer who will (or will not) greenlight a project based on the merit of what site the filmmaker had their video hosted. But, if you get noticed and get enough attention, you just might be able to use it to your advantage. So you really have nothing to lose.

YouTube happens to be the most popular free video sharing service, if your films are good it shouldn't matter how they are delivered. If you want to get noticed by potentially anyone in the world with a computer or smartphone, YouTube is the best way to go about it.

Also, you are allowed to have a Vimeo account as well as a YouTube account! This doesn't have to be a "one or the other" choice. If you want to submit a clip to a film production company, you can use Vimeo. Or don't.