Is this wrong?

I often thank high placing/challenging players in matches and mention if that particular match would be on my YouTube channel, if they would like to watch it. I don't insist they subscribe and I don't spam either, but I have made a lot of new friends and subscribers this way :) I wouldn't recommend doing it a whole lot though since it probably has a high chance of backfiring :/
I honestly don't think there's a wrong way to advertise unless it's against the TOS and will get your channel banned. "Wrong" is a subjective word. There are less effective ways and ways to get you hated, sure. But a hater is still a viewer and if you are just after views and subs then there's a lot of ways to increase that.

Of course personally I would never do anything that low haha.
There's a very fine line between promoting your channel & just being annoying. I'd avoid doing this because it comes across that the only reason you're having a match with these people is to get more subscribers. Maybe after you've had a match & stuff, added them as a friend or whatever, you could say that you've got a channel but don't make it your first port of call.