Is There Something Blocking My Channel From Growing?


I've Got It
I feel that I make quality content. I feel like I type the correct Tags so that people can find my videos. Is there some kind of cap or lid on my channel that prevents people from finding my video too many times? Is there a YouTube cap for smaller channels?

I am really interested if this is true.
Of course not! There's no cap at all :p It's all about finding that one thing that lets your channel take off, it varies for everyone really. Try to get out there and advertise, sell your videos, the type of things you do :D
Nowadays it's super super hard to show up in the searches for things that people actually search for. I try my best to tag for things people would search for and simple mistakes they might do or easier searches like instead of to they put an actual 2. It seems to help
Doubt it. YT is just a super-competitive place now with the big getting bigger. If you want, you can throw some money at the problem and try to grow, but you're only going to run into people with deeper pockets than you.

Just do your best and produce the best content you can. Talk with other YTers and make some connections. Spread you content on your social media. Most of all be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day...
Be patient it's hard to grow now days specially for a gaming channel since there are a ton of gaming channels out there, but patience is a virtue and that's what we need for our channels to be found :)
I feel frustrated too because any feedback I've gotten is good but no one subscribes. I figure I just need the time to put the content there so when people look they will be interested. Some youtubers are young and can't pay for's ok, just use the tools you have at your disposal. I try not to obsess...but I am pretty obsessive :penguin:
Like everyone said, it's gotten far more competitive, so you really need to step up your game, especially on social media.

I don't know where I'd be without twitter, google+, and facebook.