Is there a network for Motion/Graphic Designers?


Moving Pictures Guy
Hey guys,
Just wondering if any of you know of Motion/Graphic design youtube networks that I could aspire to partner with.
Is there a network that is the Go to place?

Chris :D
There was PangeaFX under Fullscreen, but they`ve been un-active for months.

I`d recommend aiming for Yeousch Graphics ;) the guys over there are great.
For Graphics they don`t tend to have a set requirement but instead judge it on portfolio and uploads ;)
Tweet your channel and portfolio links to @pixels2life on Twitter ;)
OMG Really?! wow didnt know that O_O.
There is Zarq Network, its a new network. Looks like a scam to me so be careful and be alert before submitting info, completing forms or doing anything under it. And also do confirm wether THEY ARE OR NOT under RPM by mailing their support.
(Just giving you info since this network is specifically for GFX, Editting etc)