Is my channel bad?

Tom Douglas

I've Got It
Hi all, so i've been doing youtube for a few weeks now, and although i am really enjoying doing it, from the recording to the editing, it is really disshearting seeing no veiws or even 1 veiw on my videos.

Now i know i cant afford the best micophones, or afford the best editing software, but i don't think its bad content.

Now i'd love to know what you guys think, i'd love to find out the good points and the bad points, just so i know what i can work on, just to feel some reward for a fair bit of hard work

Thank you to everyone that helps :D
Hi, I've been at your stage at first too. No views, no comments, no likes what so ever. But here's what you do, get a good mic, get a good editing software, fix the aspect ratios of your videos (those black lines in your videos take those off), get a better screen recorder (fraps, bandicam etc.) and change your channel layout that it shows your videos instead of your feed. Your channel has a lot of potential, the commentary is good and all that. But it lacks good branding and the quality isn't really the type that people would continually watch. I'm giving no hate here but it's what I see, I hope this helps improve your channel in the future. And constantly market your channel, share it on facebook (twitter, etc.) - any site that could generate viewers and subscribers. But of course, first impressions are insanely dangerous since it could either get you a subscriber or take them away from it. So yah, hope this helped out!! :D Good luck :)