Is Machinima A Good Network?


Active Member
Hey I've been debating wether or not I should join Machinima... Can anyone tell me the pros and cons? Also do they still do a fixed cpm.. if so how much is it?
If you answer yes to any of these then join machinima.
Do you have a soul?
Are you willing to part with said soul?
Do you care about money?

If you say yes to all the above then you're on your way to joining machinima!!
They try to be a good network but they really are not.

They have low CPM's, generally don't care about their partners unless you are one of their larger channels and give you very long lock-in contracts. I would highly recommend staying away ;)
No,judging by numerous videos about complaints and even big youtubers strongly advice not to that network,they only help big channels
I heard the pay isn't that great but they offer great advertising so you are ensured to get popular...... Maybe..... It has a bad reputation ans a good reputation. It's really your choice.
I've heard it's a rev share now, the rev share is low, they don't promote you unless you're a bigger channel and the lock in is too long. They used to be the best but not anymore