Invited to join AwesomnessTV for the 7th time - LEAVE ME ALONE


YTtalk's Juicy Lemon
They are really getting on my nerves. They keep filling my spam box up with their stupid messages. This is what they keep sending me:

Dear Dananuh,
This email is to inform you that Awesomeness TV has indicated it would like for you to join its network. If you would like to link your YouTube Account(s) Dananuh to Awesomeness TV YouTube Account, please click the link to learn more.
- The YouTube Team

Does this happen to anyone else? I mean seriously? - 7 times they have sent me the same email. They do not take the hint. lol.
I`ve got ~20 of those , ~5 network newsletters and ~220 emails saying "we miss you, please join us"

I've blocked everything from awesomnesstv such as newsletters and the other ones you have been receiving. But now I'm getting all these ones from YouTube. Invitations I don't want. Can't just mark for spam because when all my YouTube emails will be. :L