Intro/Outro End-cards, Call To Action


I Love YTtalk
I see other channels doing on-camera intro's so I thought that I would do one for this video. I'm happy with the strategy. A quick teaser intro and then get on with the show! I was at a Convention recently and my viewers shared that they liked seeing me on camera. Most toy car presenters are never seen. With me occasionally being on camera, at least then know who their listening too =)

It was stated recently that on-camera 'calls to action' at the end of the videos are much more successful in getting viewers to subscribe or check out more videos. I will definitely be doing on-camera outro's more often.

This video is edited for this discussion. It is only the intro/outro with the content snipped out.
If you want to do the same, feel free to post it. This way it would give other creators ideas for their own channels.

As for the end-cards, I use Sony Vegas. Search YouTube for Picture in Picture for tutorials. I will go ahead and give you the coordinates if you want to copy my template for the end-card. By the way, I make 30 second mini-movies of my videos so that I can plug them into this template. What I do is render the end-card segment into a regular video/movie and then use it as a single file and add it to my edited video.

In Sony Vegas, click on the Track Motion icon, (see tutorials please).
With all of my videos or pictures sized at 1280x720, Here are my data points:

Upper-left quadrant:
X: -470.00
Y: 300
Width: 800
Height: 450

Upper-right quadrant:
X: 470.00
Y: 300
Width: 800
Height: 450

Lower-left quadrant:
X: -470.00
Y: -300
Width: 800
Height: 450

Lower-right quadrant:
X: 470.00
Y: -300
Width: 800
Height: 450