Request Intro Needed Help


I've Got It
Hey guys, today I recorded my first vlog. It's just a little channel review video for the month of April. However, I would LOVE an intro to really spice it up. I have no resources to make one (unles you can do it for free on the Internet somehow. I like the ones with the 3D text and stuff like that, but in most of the threads, it looks like you have to buy some software to do it. Can I do it for free? Or can someone make me one for forum cash + promotion on my videos. I just want one for my vlogs (in general, not just for the month in review ones). Hit me up! Thanks.
I know of a user by the name of MyRealityBytes, who has artistic talent. I don't know if she does intros, but you could look for her. It could help. Other than that, I've got nothing for you. Sorry. I hope you get this figured out!
[This thread has been moved to "'Backgrounds, Icons, Banners and Intros"]

Also there are a few people who offer services to create intro's you can try replying to one of their threads and see if you get an answer. :) Just click the link and browse that section and look for the prefix "Services". :cool:
Thanks. Will check it out. Wasn't sure if this was in the right place or not. :)