Intro, Channel Design

S&J Play

Hey guys!

Since we are so new, everything to do with our channel is in a state of "i dunno.... what do you think?"

So any feedback, good or bad, would be very welcomed!

Two quick things, I like your banner a lot, however I think the words, especially the white ones are too small. Also, why are your videos only using the middle of the screen?
Banner is good, but text should be more contrasting with the background and larger to make it more visible at a glance
Intro is clever, but the video dimensions ruin it abit, if they were full 720 with no black bars on the side they would be awesome
Other than that good stuff!
The text could do with some working. It's hard to read against the background and doesn't really stand out ^_^
Awesome! Thank you for the feedback, I kinda figured that with the text, we've gone through probably 5 or 6 banners so far. I'll get make the changes to it asap.

As for the video, the native resolution for our ghetto capture device wont is below HD quality so we would have to up-convert it to hi-def which, with the programs that we're using, long story short - we gotta get a new capture device.

We will make improvements as we go but for now, its either sucky bars - ok quality, or no bars - sucky quality. :)