in vid ads vs overlay ads


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Do you tick both of them?

I don't want my audience to get p****d by having to wait 5 seconds at the beginning of each video if they are watching my videos one after another.

Does youtube decide when they should show a 5 sec ad for each user?

Also, when you tick both of the boxes, does the audience receive two sorts of ads at the same time, or will they get to see only one of them?

Thanks for any information
Well these days there aren't much 5 sec. ads, Some ads will take 3 minutes or something (Yes i saw those).
Youtube indeed decide when they display instream ads or just overlay. I think they do overlay more often than instreams or sometimes just both.
If you don't want your public to watch instream ads, you can disable those.
When I monetized I preferred just doing the overlay because I didn't want to annoy my audience, but its really what you prefer :).
As far as I have heard, in-stream ads pay more than overlay ads :P And no, it's usually one or the other, which means that you'll only see one type of ad when watching the video ;)
Only True-View ads will be skippable after 5 seconds and Standard in-stream ads aren't skippable.

Does youtube decide when they should show a 5 sec ad for each user?

They push to make the ads with the highest RPM show instead of lower paying ads (such as overlay).
Thanks everyone. It's just that I realised that I hadn't made any money for a few days and when I checked I found out that I had unticked true view ads from most of my videos, and then these concerns arised.

Aren't standard instream ads for full partners?
Thanks everyone. It's just that I realised that I hadn't made any money for a few days and when I checked I found out that I had unticked true view ads from most of my videos, and then these concerns arised.

Aren't standard instream ads for full partners?
Legacy partners (pre-April 12, 2012) and Network partners only have Standard in-stream ads yes.
I don't want my audience to get p****d by having to wait 5 seconds at the beginning of each video if they are watching my videos one after another.

Audience which got already p****d off the ads on videos they probably started to use adblocks even before they found your channel i think :)
(unless they are newcomers to Youtube which you invited, have emailed a link to your friends etc.)

I had same concern at the start (was afraid to scare visitors by too many ads), but later been advised to turn it on, and nothing negative happened from the daily views count point. I hope & think Youtube use some kind of clever capping to not over do it with ad shows for each single Youtube visitor.