I'm Yours - Trombone Cover: Need Your Feedback!

Michele Fortunato

Active Member
Hi guys! :cool:
This is my 1st thread here! Hope you enjoy it! :whistling2:
I wanna share with you my first Trombone Cover of my YouTube Channel: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz!:shock:

Why is it just a "Promo"? :O_o2: Because I want to know more about my video :help::
  • Did you like It? :eeks:
  • Did you like the sound of the recording track? :inpain2:
  • What do you want to see in a video like this: the original video; me in recording; other things? :nailbiting:
  • What do you want to change in my video rec? :bag2:
I think that it is too much important to know what you think! :rolleyes:
Hope that you will answer at this thread :sick2: so I'll can do much better videos next time!
Thanks for watching! :bigrin2:
If you like it, Subscribe! So I'll know if my videos are good for someone! :wideyed2:
Have a nice day with YTtalk!!! :beer:
That was heaps good, i enjoyed listening to that... almost singing along hahaha Keep up the good work bro :)
Thank you Cody :D (Cody, right? :confused:) I'm really happy that you enjoyed my YT video! :woot2:
But seriously, did you like it? :O_o2: Of course, I play trombone very well :hungover2: but I mean the video:
what do you want to see in a video like this? :pompus:
Is it good or boring for you? :nailbiting:
Need your feedback to change my video quality for a better visibility and make happy more Youtubers!!! :couchpotato:
Thank You again! :thumbsup2:
Stay Tuned! :beer:
Yeah haha, it's Cody
To be quite honest, i don't think i could pick anything out that i didn't like, though maybe try and get the audio a little harder, if that makes sense? it sounds kind of soft. and i'm not just saying that cause it's a trombone :s
you get me?
Yeah haha, it's Cody
though maybe try and get the audio a little harder, if that makes sense? it sounds kind of soft. and i'm not just saying that cause it's a trombone :s
you get me?
Yes, I did! My dad told to me the same thing...:whistling2:
This is my 1st try rec a solo trombone on my Zoom so maybe I did mistakes with my microphone, too.:unsure2:
I'm of the idea of "Turn Up": turn up your volume! :happy2:
Because today all is too much louder, I think! :wacky2:
But I can understand that a low Rec is not good for a video like this! :nailbiting:
Thank you for your courtesy and your time! :joyful2:

I'm glad to be entered in this forum, YTtalk is awesome! :thumbsup2:
"I'll try to get back"
on my Rec then! :beer: