Im looking for people who like to LAUGH! haha :)

Kris Obaseki

Active Member
Well Hello,
Guess what guys I JUST GOT A CONTRACT from fullscreen because they love my content.
I recently got an email telling me about my upcoming partnership! Im so excited.
Ive been making videos for quite some time now, and its been my dream to be a partner someday. and now its finally come true! :D
I just wanted to let everyone know that if you put the time and effort into your videos anyone can be a partner!

Having said all that, Im looking for new channels to sub and check out
and I would love for you guys to check my channel out and give me feedback on what you think!
Im always looking to improve my videos!
I make videos to make people laugh, if you dont laugh well.... I'm sorry. At least my mother thinks I'm funny! haha;)

Anyway Check out my channel! If you dont like my videos dont subscribe!! and dont just sub becuase you want me to sub. I want real feedback, if you think my videos are bad tell me! haha

Just say it, Mmokay!

Some of my video links:

CONGRATS ON BEING PARTNER MAN. Nothing like dreams coming true bro. I'm about to check out your channels, if you want you can check out mine :D. Good luck with everything[DOUBLEPOST=1346305580,1346305352][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well Hello,
Guess what guys I JUST GOT A CONTRACT from fullscreen because they love my content.
I recently got an email telling me about my upcoming partnership! Im so excited.
Ive been making videos for quite some time now, and its been my dream to be a partner someday. and now its finally come true! :D
I just wanted to let everyone know that if you put the time and effort into your videos anyone can be a partner!

Having said all that, Im looking for new channels to sub and check out
and I would love for you guys to check my channel out and give me feedback on what you think!
Im always looking to improve my videos!
I make videos to make people laugh, if you dont laugh well.... I'm sorry. At least my mother thinks I'm funny! haha;)

Anyway Check out my channel! If you dont like my videos dont subscribe!! and dont just sub becuase you want me to sub. I want real feedback, if you think my videos are bad tell me! haha

Just say it, Mmokay!

Some of my video links:

Subscribed dude, you are freaking amazing LMAO.