I'd like to apply to SB or someone... BUT...


Loving YTtalk
the #1 reason everyone gets denied is copyright violations. now I don't have any strikes BUT a long time ago, when I just started uploading and had no idea where I was going to go in a year's time or how things work, I uploaded a few things with copyrighted music. my very first montage, for example
now socialblade says people should REMOVE any video with copyrighted content, even if they have no strikes BEFORE applying. should I really delete them or can I make them unlisted or what? what should I do?

P.S. social blade stats and frankly YT stats are really wonky. adsense is complete crap (like 4 cents or completely frozen) some things seem to be glitching way too often on YT. I KNOW I'm getting views! (not all my videos are monetized, but still...) I see like 100 views for every 1 views monetized and that's bs! and social blade shows -9000 views a few days ago! HUH?!
Just delete it man, if you want them to partner you, it wont' minus the views you got for them and getting partnered is your way forward :)
that don't seem like an actual benefit.
im sure there are more but a SB partner will be more capable of answering your question, another things most network do is give you higher CMP, as well as bradding features on your channel, schedule uploader, shows.
frankly I see people using copyrighted music all over who are partnered! like DERPFIELD by THE SKILLCLINIC? uses all sorts of copyrighted stuff (like just saw one with MC Hammer's U can't touch this)
frankly I see people using copyrighted music all over who are partnered! like DERPFIELD by THE SKILLCLINIC? uses all sorts of copyrighted stuff (like just saw one with MC Hammer's U can't touch this)
yea you can do the same but its just how you do it that matters

here are SOME of the options:
1.contact the artist or studio and ask for permission
2. buy the rights to use the song
3.some networks have already bought rights to the song so you can get it from them as longs as your partner by them.
4.royalty free music
their might be other ways but those are the ones that come to mind right now.
damn it I don't want to delete this video! tis funny!
grrr I probably won't be accepted anyway even I do delete them. and frankly no. I have some TDU2 tuts with 10s of thousands of views! I'm not gonna delete them on a hope that I MAY get accepted (they don't have commentary)!