I will review your channel - Text Based (Quicker)


Be part of the project.
Drop me your channel here, and I'll reply letting you know my thoughts and what I think about your channel/videos as a whole!!

Meanwhile I'd appreciate it if you could check out my latest video, which hopefully can help you:


Channel: www.youtube.com/Wildgamer35
Subscribers - 298
Video Views - 15,951

First Impressions: My immediate thoughts going onto your channel were positive, you have all your videos organized into playlists, I particularly liked the line at the top stating how ''This channel will instantly turn your frown upside down''

Videos/Content: You have a good variation in content, some of it clearly of comedy value to yourself, and others more marketable forms of comedy, such as the 'how to be a hippie', I definitely think there are people that would be entertained by your videos - On top of the ones that already are.

Audio: Your audio is very good, in the videos I watched you used background music to good effect and at good audio levels.
No problems here.

I can't really give much advice for this channel, other than maybe try to upload 2 a week instead of 1, as it will draw more people to your videos, then pending success you could go back to 1 video per week.

Other than this, keep it up, I enjoyed your channel.
If you're not too busy, I like to get as much feedback as possible
Channel: www.youtube.com/16Davies
Subscribers - 158
Video Views - 331,478

First Impressions: I saw your channel a few days back, and was impressed. I like the simplicity of your channel, and you're obviously doing something right, as you're some kind of partner.

Videos/Content: You have an excellent variation in videos, my particular favourite are the slender facecam ones, and they seem to be your most popular recent ones.

Audio: Your audio is very good, I can hear you very clearly, no issues here.

The only thing that needs improving is something not entirely in your control, viewers - yes you're a partner but the views are quite low for a partner, so I would focus on utilizing partnership tools to draw in viewership - and you're already doing some of that with the likes of thumbnails.

As a fellow gaming channel all I can say is very well done and keep it up!

PS Are you partnered with anyone inparticular?