Other I Want Your Gaming Videos


I've Got It
Hey guys, I have a small channel about 450 subs and I've been looking for a way to help others (even if it is just a little). I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a small video introducing themselves and have it uploaded to my channel. I want to make my channel open to people who are bigger, smaller, the same size, people who just want a little more exposure.

If you are interested message me on youtube at MrCompEng or here on yttalk.
Cool idea. I have a smaller channel around 130 subs, doing a range of games from call of duty, minecraft and crash bandicoot, are you just uploading one gameplay from someone?
Cool idea. I have a smaller channel around 130 subs, doing a range of games from call of duty, minecraft and crash bandicoot, are you just uploading one gameplay from someone?
I was hoping people would just do an introduction and video that I could post, I wouldnt want anyone to start a series since people are often unreliable. Not so say that if you have a few videos you'd like to give me I wouldnt deny them.

a few things to know, if you have a video for my channel, upload it as unlisted to your channel and send me the link. I will check it out and if I like it I will upload it.