I want to join a Youtube Network But...

Dtroll MC

Hey guys I have been doing youtube videos for almost a year now and I have gotten nowhere. I have tried joining many Networks, but they all have to have 1k+ views/day, which I am nowhere close too, and in fact, If i had that many views, I would need a network. So does anybody know how I can grow my channel to the point where networks will accept me, or any small but professional networks that would accept me now?
Hey guys I have been doing youtube videos for almost a year now and I have gotten nowhere. I have tried joining many Networks, but they all have to have 1k+ views/day, which I am nowhere close too, and in fact, If i had that many views, I would need a network. So does anybody know how I can grow my channel to the point where networks will accept me, or any small but professional networks that would accept me now?

You've been reaching too high.

RPM will accept you at 85 views per day
Fullscreen will accept you at 750 views per day

There are lots of networks available. Machinima is about the same as RPM for requirements, I believe.

Also, from what I see you've only been uploading for four months, so take it SLOWLY. It can take a couple years to build up views and a recurrent audience, for some people.
The network i would honestly recommend for your channel is fullscreen arcade or either creator x a smaller version of fullscreen.:)
Do you know your current view average? You can go to www.vidstatsx.com to check.

CreatorX and RPM are both entry-level and require around 84 views per day.

Judging by his overall views he's averaging at approx 17 views a day, so he's nowhere near any decent network's requirements. He just needs to work on promoting his channel, collaborating, getting his name out there, I think.
but they all have to have 1k+ views/day
Which networks have you been looking at lol?

Fullscreen (750 + views daily but lower if you have good content)
- Creator X [Anyone] (under 100 views daily)
- Vlog Union [Vloggers] (Seemed to be the same as Creator X)
- Yeousch [Gaming] (1,500 subscribers and 75,000 total views)
- They have loads more..

Maker Studios [Comedy and Entertainment] ( ~ 2750 views daily)
- TGS [Gaming] ( 300,000 views monthly)
- RPM Network [Anyone] (84 views per day)
- DaWorldtv [Anyone] (84 views per day)
- Vidfair and Vidcast [Spanish channels] (300 views daily)
- N4Gtv [Gaming] (300 views daily)
- JungleNetwork [Gaming] (300 views daily)
- Prolax [Gaming] (300 views daily)

BentPixels [Major Brands and Channels] (Huge fan-bases)
- Vultra [Gaming and Graphics] (500 views per day)
__- FriendlyFireNetwork (500 views daily)
__- Lirox Network (500 views daily)
- YourDailyLaughz [ Comedy and Entertainment] (500 views per day)
__- Network Velocity (500 views daily)

BroadBandTV [Major Brands]
- Viso [Gaming] (750 views daily)
__- PhazerTV [Gaming] (500 views daily)
- Acifin [Anyone] (300 views daily)
- TGN (1000 views daily)

Machinima [Gaming] (100 views per day)

There`s loads more..
**This is A reply to all people**

Well I would go on vidstatsx but its currently down. :(

I have tried Mahcinima, sent 2 days ago, havent heard anyhting
Tried The Curse Network today
Tried the CObra Network today,

I haven't heard of RPM Network, Ill check it out now.
I can't even join RPM!

Thanks so much for applying! Love what you're doing but your channel does not qualify to join our network at this time. Some of the possible reasons are:
  • Low Viewership
  • Copyright Issues
  • Strikes
If you feel you have remedied the issue, please check back with us and feel free to reapply.
Have a great day!