I need help in understanding monetization


Active Member
The trouble I have is why do some videos earn more than others is based on views, likes , or subs? Is it something different all together. I have a few videos monetized and two have a quite a few views (by my standards) but nothing really earned. Then I have one with a faction of the views and it has earned ten times the amount of the other two. :confused: I just wanna make sure I'm setup things correctly on my end. Can anyone help with this?
It depends where your videos are watched, if they are watched in the US they will give your more money, cuz some country got more expensive advertising standards so don't worry just claim all your videos that your original content, and will be fine.

Ok, thanks! That makes sense. I plan to put up a few new videos in the next couple days and just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I did.
For channels of your size, there will be HUGE variance from one view to the next.

A single ad shown might be worth 10 cents if it worth a lot, which would create a spike for you.

Or if someone clicks thru and buys a product you could potentially earn $1-100+.

Or most views/clicks will be worth fractions of cents ($.003 for example)

Basically: More views/ad shows the steadier the numbers get. You will get too many spikes and dips to say anything accurately currently.
Thanks for the replies I really appreciate all the posts. Flammy and Gabriel thank you for your responses. I guess me and the gang just need to continue to see how things work out.
On top of the things said by the other commenters the Ad-Type plays a role in how much you earn, so if you enable just one of the ad-types you will potentially be earning much less than if both of the ad types (True view in-stream, and Overlay in-video) are enabled