I need a partnership or sponsor but I don't know what to do

isaac northstrom

Well-Known Member
I just started Youtube on this channel but know my way around Youtube from previous channels. I post videos at a pretty consistant rate. Ive only had the channel for 3 weeks and have 2 videos already.

My videos are mostly for entertaiment purposes and to just have fun. I dont know how to get a partnership or which one would be right for me.

Please help me figure out my situation and give suggestions to what partners might be good for me.

Thank you!
I don't have a partnership yet, heck, I don't even have a channel, but with only 2 videos, you won't be getting a partnership for a while.
You shouldn't be thinking of partnerships until you are getting at least 100 views daily.

Partnerships do not help you get subscribers or views, so there should not be a rush to join a network. You're not going to get much sponsors until you are getting a lot of views. The companies wouldn't gain much from you with little views. Grow your channel some more and then think about partnering with a network.
Most networks that will accept you with only 2 videos are the ones that exploit small channels who don't know better. Wait for now.
Partnering with a small channel will do nothing good for you. Networks do not help you gain subscribers, views, or anything like that. You're on your own. Networks take a cut of your pay, and you get paid per views. If you aren't getting many views to begin with, you will be making close to nothing with a network. You should avoid any network willing to accept a small channel like yourself by all cost. It will do nothing good for you, and you'll most likely regret it down the road. Partnerships should not be rushed into. You should do research before you partner with ANY network. Be sure to read the contract before you sign it, because once you sign it you are with that network until it's over.

I highly suggest waiting, as it will do nothing for you at the moment.