I have a very good Question

Ok I am still very New I have noticed everyone wants subscribers and views, I understand why that is not my Question so you take a interest in someone's channel they are like foaming at the mouth wanting to get their numbers up and here you come you think their channel is pretty cool not the best mind you but its ok and you think the person seems like someone you could take a interest in, so you communicate and you get a thank you from them for subscribing and they give you the if you need any help all that BS so then thats it, they show no interest in your channel and of course they dont subscribe to your channel, Now is that not an INSULT or what? Why dont you Spit right in someone's face while you are thanking them for subscribing to their channel. No I am not talking about running a Sub for Sub program I am talking about you sincerely took a interest in their Channel and expected to hopefully keep a weekly interest in their channel videos whats going in their lives, So does anyone know what I am talking about or am I just seeing things from the wrong angle. Now should I or should I not unsubscribe to people like that, its a long way to the top treating your subscribers like dirt, Does anyone know what I am talking about I am still very much a NOOB so maybe I am wrong.

i know what your talking about, but maybe they might not have an interest for your content. Ill give you an example, i usually go in the video reviews forums and look at peoples video and tell them how i enjoy them or give them some criticism(in a good way) but i never subscribe to their channel, the reason why is because i have i busy schedule and i know i wont have time to watch every video they upload so in a way ill be just like a dead sub and i wouldnt want to do that to someone. So maybe the dont sub back because 1 they have no interest in your content or 2 they have no time to watch your videos.
Thats a good answer Thank You very much, I am not as mad as I seem just like to find the other view[DOUBLEPOST=1350439074,1350438398][/DOUBLEPOST]I guess its my personality I am a hard worker and would sincerely do anything to help others succeed when someone subscribes to me I feel like I need to return the favor I am a better giver than receiver and understand what you mean