I have a 6.7% CTR and a 7:45 average view duration and Youtube still doesn't promote my videos

So, like the title says, over the last 90 days, a total of eight videos, I have a 6.7% CTR and 7:45 average view time (though my videos probably average closer to 18 minutes in length). Most of my videos fall pretty close to this average. Based on what I've read, this is doing pretty good but, I feel like YouTube is keeping me down by seriously limiting my impressions. For this 90 day period I have a total of 12.9k impressions with only 26.3% coming from YouTube recommending. That's about 3400 times YouTube has recommended one of my videos. Though a very specific and limited genre there are creators in my specific area that get more than 3400 views within the first hour of posting a video so, it's not like there isn't opportunity for YouTube to show my thumbnails. What am I missing here?
It is hard to break through. Your CTR is very good, but no one will click if YT does not present it to them. All we can do is keep plugging away, and share the channel where we can (without being spammy). There are billion videos watched every day, it is a huge playing field, and easy to get lost.

What do we need to get promoted? Well, if your name was Will Smith that would help.
Both your CTR and your watch time average are really good.

You need patience and persistence with YouTube though. Remember, you are on of many millions of people uploading to the platform and although your content is probably better than many of the others, in all likelihood there is also content out there that is even better than yours.

I'm now half way through my third year of focussing on my YouTube channel and making it grow, and I can assure you that if you stick with it and continue to work on quality and consistency you will see the number of impressions increase steadily over time. You just need to make sure that you can keep that 6.7% CTR or even improve on it!
Both your CTR and your watch time average are really good.

You need patience and persistence with YouTube though. Remember, you are on of many millions of people uploading to the platform and although your content is probably better than many of the others, in all likelihood there is also content out there that is even better than yours.

I'm now half way through my third year of focussing on my YouTube channel and making it grow, and I can assure you that if you stick with it and continue to work on quality and consistency you will see the number of impressions increase steadily over time. You just need to make sure that you can keep that 6.7% CTR or even improve on it!

Thanks for the pep talk. I certainly have no illusions about the quality of my videos. I think my content is very good but my delivery leaves lots of room for improvement. I just need to keep plugging away at it.

I watched the video in your signature...Wow! I'll be checking out a few more of those videos.


So, like the title says, over the last 90 days, a total of eight videos, I have a 6.7% CTR and 7:45 average view time (though my videos probably average closer to 18 minutes in length). Most of my videos fall pretty close to this average. Based on what I've read, this is doing pretty good but, I feel like YouTube is keeping me down by seriously limiting my impressions. For this 90 day period I have a total of 12.9k impressions with only 26.3% coming from YouTube recommending. That's about 3400 times YouTube has recommended one of my videos. Though a very specific and limited genre there are creators in my specific area that get more than 3400 views within the first hour of posting a video so, it's not like there isn't opportunity for YouTube to show my thumbnails. What am I missing here?

you have a very unique channel...these hand carving type of metals and/or restoring do really well on YT. if I had the skills, I would do this! you need patience. you are getting 300 - 400 views per a video and YOU ARE NEW! that is a good sign. most people dont even get 100 views who are 1 yr into their YT channel. just trust me, keep doing what you are doing and BE PATIENT....PATIENT!! again...PATIENT! i studied tons of YT channels and trust me yours is off on a good start and right path

dont be discouraged...focus on long term. eventually youll hit 100k in a yr or 2..i wouldnt doubt it with that type of niche. YT isnt just going to promote you like the big youtubers all of the sudden. think of it like a small tree. it takes years before people notice and grows. you are a tiny bush right now...

if i can give feedback...people tend to be more engaged to "up close" type of things. I know bc I watch these type of videos all the time ha ha here is an example of one that really grabbed my attention..the fast forward type of clip is interesting too also try not to make 40min log videos...I would follow what these top YTers are doing like 11 - 15mins

a 7min out of 40min on a 7min out of 15min will make you YT rank much higher and plus...i watch these videos all the time and entertainment so you actually have true feedback from someone who genuinely watches these lol

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Depends how those stats stack up against other video of the same type/ niche that may be doing even better. Also. it can take months or a year until your video takes off. You may have already done better than you thought. Be patient.
I feel like YouTube is keeping me down by seriously limiting my impressions.
I don't personally believeYoutube keeps anyone down.. It's just the first thing we naturally think because that's easier than 'how can I do better?'. The thing I like most about Youtube is it's a great leveller - you get rewarded proportional to your effort/performance.
Best of luck with channel.
you have a very unique channel...these hand carving type of metals and/or restoring do really well on YT. if I had the skills, I would do this! you need patience. you are getting 300 - 400 views per a video and YOU ARE NEW! that is a good sign. most people dont even get 100 views who are 1 yr into their YT channel. just trust me, keep doing what you are doing and BE PATIENT....PATIENT!! again...PATIENT! i studied tons of YT channels and trust me yours is off on a good start and right path

dont be discouraged...focus on long term. eventually youll hit 100k in a yr or 2..i wouldnt doubt it with that type of niche. YT isnt just going to promote you like the big youtubers all of the sudden. think of it like a small tree. it takes years before people notice and grows. you are a tiny bush right now...

if i can give feedback...people tend to be more engaged to "up close" type of things. I know bc I watch these type of videos all the time ha ha here is an example of one that really grabbed my attention..the fast forward type of clip is interesting too also try not to make 40min log videos...I would follow what these top YTers are doing like 11 - 15mins

a 7min out of 40min on a 7min out of 15min will make you YT rank much higher and plus...i watch these videos all the time and entertainment so you actually have true feedback from someone who genuinely watches these lol

Thanks. You make good points. I think the real struggle for me is the value of my time. The time I spend shooting/editing videos takes away from the time I could be making knives (read, "money") for customers. It's a tough call to devote more time to the videos when I feel like they are not being seen. I do know that most successful YouTubers say their biggest regret is not being more serious about YouTube when getting started. I'm still trying to find that balance.

Thank you for the good feedback.

Edited to add: I took your advice and updated my latest thumbnail to a close up view. I think it will help!

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... but, I feel like YouTube is keeping me down by seriously limiting my impressions...

It is never in YouTube's best interest to keep anyone down. They just want ad money, they do not care which channel gets it for them. They would love it if we all succeeded. It usually just takes time to gain any traction.

I follow a new (2 month old) Disney related channel. In 2 months, doing mostly the new Disney Star Wars land videos they have over 15,000 subs. They started with zero, just like the rest of us, but something about them, and their subject, clicked with people.

Most of the time that does not happen. YT is definitely a marathon, not a sprint.