I feel like an outcast...


That awkward chick that's kinda funny but not.

I don't know what's going on with me. When I was first coming up with my channel i was really confident that I would finally be able to come out of my box and show the world me!...but now for some reason all that confidence as left the building and I feel like I don't belong on youtube. D: I want to be known for something but I don't really know what I want to do.

In other words, HELP!

Reviews, tips, guides, advice, a confidence boost, anything! Help a fellow youtuber out of her funk!
You really just need to figure out what you want to talk about! It's not easy doing something like sticking your face in front of the camera and just coming up with something. Maybe you can make a video about this right here! Tell youtube about your fears and open up :)