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You sit their and tell me THIS is not a fail
The videographer here could do with leaving a little more context to people who do not know TF2, but here it is:not sure what was happening
Thanks![DOUBLEPOST=1346126613,1346126567][/DOUBLEPOST]...oh and sorry you didn't get anything little dude.The videographer here could do with leaving a little more context to people who do not know TF2, but here it is:
Team Fortress 2 is a free-to-play game that makes its money in various ways, one of those ways is via "grab bag" items (the crates seen on screen.) These are opened with inexpensive singularly (but expensive in bulk) keys that cost about $.99 or so (someone could correct me.) What we see on the screen is this user using many of these keys on the crates and receiving absolute crap.
Not a single item liberated from a crate in that video is a rare or special item, they're all common trash items that can be earned through an hour of regular gameplay.
To the person who opened those crates this would feel like a huge letdown and potentially a waste of the money spent on the keys.