I DONT UNDERSTAND !! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Loving YTtalk
WHY???? why do people who have only been on youtube for a few days and only post maybe 5 or 6 vids seem to get tons of subs and views for thier mediocre vds when my mediocre vids get none. i am not saying im any better than anyone else, but ive been on youtube posting 3 or 4 vids a wek for months and i have three subs. ONLY THREE! and two were out of pity and one was to get me to trade him stuff. WHY???????????? this was a rant by samcambolt270. i will be posting many of these. why? CAUSE I'M ANGRY.
Maybe they cheat youtube, I have been on YouTube a long time now and got only 1000 subs. Maybe they also ask/spam their friends on Skype, facebook and twitter to sub them, but I hate when people do that.
I know.. I have similar feelings for people who join after me, and somehow seem to do so much better.
It's like " WHY" I was here first..
HOW. how can you get partnered with only ten subs. you have to get like 300 veiws per day just to be considered. iv been doing this for 4 months and havent gotten 300 veiws period.
There are 2 ways in which I think that can happen.

1--> They have a main channel, and managed to get their second channe; ** Low subs and views** Partnered.
I know I did that. As I had about 70 subs and all on my second channel, and I got that partnered..

2--> They are with a new network. A network that is just recruiting people.
There are 2 ways in which I think that can happen.

1--> They have a main channel, and managed to get their second channe; ** Low subs and views** Partnered.
I know I did that. As I had about 70 subs and all on my second channel, and I got that partnered..

2--> They are with a new network. A network that is just recruiting people.
I have networks on my Skype which spam these messages to me. Gets bloody annoying NO I DON'T WANT TO JOIN YOUR NETWORK
I have networks on my Skype which spam these messages to me. Gets bloody annoying NO I DON'T WANT TO JOIN YOUR NETWORK

Yeah.. And there are sooo many of them..
If I was a network I would start out with my main channels
Gaming, Gxf, Vlogs, Skits etc.
And find people with low subs, but great potential to join. Then we work together for w while and don't recruit anyone.
You got to play the hard to get game, make people want to be in your network