Request I could use a New Background...


I make Movies like I make Friends.
Hey there,

I have had the same background since my channel began, and I made it myself in photoshop in maybe 30 minutes. It is stilled formatted to the old channel design, and it is basically just my name and logo repeated over and over.

If I could get someone to make me a new great and graphic background that would be wonderful! I would like it to incorporate my name (zebracloak) and also the colors red, white, and black, which are the colors I generally use. If you want to incorporate my logo as well, that is fine with me!


I might give this one a try as well . I will see if anyone else responds hehe. I am a slow poke I think about it for like a week before I start.
I kinda liked the one you have there but I might give it a whirl. Not sure what I would do for it so i have to think about it meanwhile someone else might get an idea :)
Well I am glad you like it but I really think it is time for a change.

haha I am trying to come up with an idea unfortunately aside from something incredibly generic I haven't come up with one yet. If I do I will jump and make the background.

Well I got an idea lol but you might think its dorky. Its not generic anyhow . I am working on it now and I will post it when its done. If you dont like it someone else might .

Well here is a draft I have to mess with making better post it notes and push pins, but i dont like to work too hard if you hate the idea. Its already 3 hours of messing around to get this far lol

I will assume you didnt like this design. I think I will finish it and release it as a general background since its half done make it so people can easily customize the channel name :)